Prep Time: 5 min | Cooking Time: 30 min | Total Time: 35 min | Servings: 4| Difficulty: Easy
- 2 Zucchinis
- a cup of Quinoa
- Garlic (2 cloves)
- Thick Cream for cooking
- Basil leaves (fresh)
- Butter
- Pumpkin Seed Oil
Smash and finely chop the Garlicand heat it up on a spoon of Butter. Add finely chopped Zucchini and steam it for 15 minutes. In another pot cook Quinoa as directed and drain it. After 15 minutes add Salt, Black Pepper, 5 – 6 leaves of Basil (chopped in stripes) and Thick Cream for cooking to Zucchini and cook for another 10 – 15 minutes (or according to taste, check the Zucchini, it should be slightly crunchy).
Put in a plate, add Quinoa and mix. At the end add The Pumpkin house Pumpkin Seed Oil (first a splash, and then you can add more, according to taste).
Bon Apetit!